March 05, 2016

Lovely People In My Life


Hello friends!

I am going to tell you about my family and my best friend. As you can see right at the top there is a picture of a man whose always cares about me. Yes, that is the picture of my father. I usually called him "papa" instead of father or dad. My father’s name is Adi Purwahajo, people called him Adi. He has a clean oval face, no mustache and no beard. I told him not to grow a mustache nor beard because I think he will look frightening and scary, and he prefers not to have it anyway. He has medium eyes and thick eyebrows. My father has a really short black hair and he always cares about his hair. He does not want to have a long hair and he always gets his hair cut even when it is not that long. 

If you are guessing if that beautiful lady in the left is my mother, then you are 100 % correct. My mother’s name is Agustin Rahaju, people called her Agustin. For an Indonesian I have to say that my mom is a little bit short. However, I like it that way because I can hug her easily and it makes my mom looks cute. My mom has a round beautiful face and she has a flat nose. Her eyebrows are quite thin because she likes to plug them so they look neat and great. She has almond shape eyes which are black. Her hair is black and long, it is kind of curly and wavy at the same time.

On top of all that, my mom is the most incredible person that I’ve ever known and it will probably stay the same forever. She is very kind to me and she never yells at me. She simply just gives me a very wise advice when I make a mistake. I’m very grateful that I have been given two very amazing people in my life. I always feel emotional when I’m talking or in this case writing about my mom. I literally cried just a little bit when I wrote this, you can call me mawkish or whatever hahaha…

So there they are, my little beautiful family. You must be wondering whether I have a sister or brother, well I don’t. I’m the only child in my family and I’m kind of okay with that. I’m still learning to be a good daughter for my parents. I want to make them proud of who I’m and what I’m accomplished. I promise that I will try my best to make them happy and show them that they have raised me well.

Even though I don't have a sister nor brother, I never fell lonely because I have lots of best friend. I fell like having a bunch of  sisters who care about me. However, I’m not going to write all of them because that is going to take lots of time and it is too confusing. Anyway, the girl in the picture is called Ratri. She is one of my high school mates, partner in crime, and best friend. She is a college student and she is studying graphic design in ITS. She is a bit short for an Indonesian, about 150 cm, I think. She told me that she drinks milk twice a day, but that does not do anything much to her height. She has a square face and slightly pointed nose. Her eyes are little bit big and she has a little mole under her left eyebrow. Her upper and bottom lips are thin and small. She used to have a long hair but she got her hair cut into medium length. She has wavy black hair, but nowadays she wears a veil everywhere she goes.

I think the reasons that we are close are because we both have the same hobby and we both like to do the same thing. She likes drawing and painting for sure, because she is a graphic design student. She also likes to make and edit a video and so do I. In fact, we made several videos together with several of our best friends and we put them on youtube. It’s just for fun memories so that when we are already old, we can look back and remember about those beautiful and weird memories. 

1 comment:

  1. good day nin! i enjoyed to read ur story,its a cute story :D. I think u always remember ur beautiful memories yashh.
