April 06, 2016

My Spin on Zodiacs

In general, there are 12 zodiacs that most people know. They are Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Maiden, Scales, Scorpion, Archer, Goat, Water-bearer, and fish. I am pretty sure that people know that, but what if there is a “Moose Zodiac”? Have you ever think of it? If the answer is no, I am going to tell you right now what kind of person who has a Moose Zodiac.

 the moose logo
the moose logo

The first thing that I am going to talk about is the general behavior. A person who has a moose zodiac is a quiet, observant, and gentle person. This person is hard worker who pursue her (his) dream and they have strong reason of what they believe in. Moose are sensitive, but this is not a weaknesses. They life their lives calmly and they like to observe others. Therefore, they gain knowledge and understand what is going on in their habitat. However, if they are pushed too far, they will blow up and be aggressive. People who have this zodiac, tends to surround themselves with familiar faces. They like to try new things and explore the world.

The next is about love and friendship. People who have moose zodiac are the kind of best friend that you want to have. They are caring and compassionate people who will sit and listen to a friend’s problems with great patient and empathy. They will tell you the truth whether you like it or not. They are reliable and trustworthy, most people appreciate having them around. However, when it comes to romance, it takes time. They want to find their identity first, then figure out what kind of person whom they need in their lives to be the love of their lives.

The last is about careers and goals. These kinds of people can be leaders, but often will prefer to be the “right hand man”. They do not care about fame or attention, in fact they find it to be an unnecessary distraction. Several career options for these people are soldier, secret agent, police officer, psychologist, designer, and archeologist.

So that is it my kind of style of describing a new zodiac, which is Moose. I hope you guys enjoy reading this and stay tune for my next post. Happy exploring!

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