April 22, 2016

Third Journal

Hello beautiful people...

My mid-term test had finished and I am glad that it is over. I have done my best and study hard for it. Some of the scores had already come up and they are not too bad. Well some are good and some I need to work on more. This writing class had helped me so much with my writing skills because writing is basically everything. I mean, if I am doing a test, I had to write my answer on a piece of paper and for that I had to have a good writing skill.

Right now, I had written my own zodiac and also a recount text. The recount text was about an event called International Cultural Festival and Celebration, it was very interesting. I also learned about new vocabularies that I have never known nor used before during the process of writing them. I felt excited when I had to write about my own zodiac which never existed before. It made my imagination runs wild. 

I fell like I still need to improve myself on several things. I need to search, learn, and use new vocabularies so everyone who read my writing does not fell bored. I need to learn to make my writing more interesting and eye-catching for the readers. Also about the grammar, spelling and punctuation marks. However, I will not forget about what I have learned and I will try to remember and maintain them.

My next assignment is to write a narrative. It is not just a regular narrative, but it is my own, original narrative that we create based on my imagination. I have already made a draft for it and gave it to the lecturer. So stay tune if you are curious about my narrative. Bye for now!

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